Disputa teritorială sino-indiană

Implicații și perspective


  • Robert Florin Gavril


China, India, Border, Conflict, Perspectives


In this article entitled Sino-Indian territorial dispute implications and perspectives, there is an analysis made on how
this dispute started between China and India and what were the major implications that this dispute brought. We
will see the importance of this territorial dispute between the two Asian giants and also the opportunities it offered
to the great powers such as USSR and the United States. One of the main focuses will be the way China managed
to win some of the territories that India had and how did that affect the security of the continent and the relations
between the states that were involved in this conflict. This border conflict between China and India is important
even today because it still involves the two super powers and their allies mainly because right now China is on the
verge of becoming the world’s biggest economy. At the end of the article we will see a comparison between the armies
and economies of China and India to see who had the biggest ascension and if they will be able to rise at the same
pace, and if not, how will it affect the security of the Asian continent. Knowing the stakes that this conflict had, it
is interesting to see what will happen in the future because their border dispute hasn’t concluded since 1962 even
though there hasn’t been a major fight between the two armies since the end of the war. No one knows if this conflict
will come to an end anytime soon.


