Războaiele prin intermediari, un model cheie al conflictului politic și al concurenței interstatale


  • Andreea Narcisa Buduca


Proxy warfare, surrogate forces, S.U.A., Iran, Irak


The international scene of the 21st century is characterized by unpredictibility, dynamism and complexity. The new
types of confrontations – the hybrid ones - incorporate a new asymmetric typology of war in which the ambiguous
identity of the involved actors represents the main advantage. War through proxies, because about, this is about,
represents a strategic innovation in which a state or non state actor is involved in a conflict via surrogate forces. The
plausible deniability of the intermediate relationship between the benefactor actor and the proxy generates, on the
one hand, short term strategic advantages and, on the other hand, leads to an escalation of the conflict in long term.
The case of the proxy warfare between the U.S.A. and Iran, which involved the Iraqi state and its substate entities
accurate exemplify this hipothesis. Proxy interventions under the pretext/ pressure of the emergence imposed by the
Islamic State in the region generates two waves: the first one facilitates the achievement of short term goals and the
second one exacerbates the tensions between actors; in this sense, the second wave is generating instability in the
Middle East region and is establishing the premises of a total war.


