Tranziția de la comunism la democrație în România și Bulgaria

Succese, eșecuri, așteptări


  • Devid Raul Ciobanu


Communism, Democracy, European Union, Failures/obstacles, Transition


This paper highlights the considerations that led to the fall of the communist regimes in Romania and
Bulgaria, respectively the errors of Nicolae Ceausescu and Todor Zhivkov. It also looks at external influences
and the concepts initiated by Mikhail Gorbachev: glasnost and perestroika. Last but not least, we study
the main actors of initiating the transition in both states analyzed. With the removal of communism, in
Romania in a bloody way, and in Bulgaria in a peaceful way, ample processes of transition from authoritarian
to democratic regimes began. Taking into account the essence of the subject, the methodologies used in the
realization of this paper are represented by the content analysis and interviews, and these represent the basis
of the paper, then staged the creation of a documented vision of the analyzed subject. In addition to these
issues, the failures of the transition, which are inevitable without serious studies and unsustainable policies,
must also be mentioned. Privatization, growing corruption and poor management of available resources
have resulted in the failure of the transition in many key areas. In order to be able to join the European
Union, both countries underwent important reforms in areas of interest to the EU and this allowed them,
in the end, after 17 years, the much coveted accession to the European construction. In the literature it is
noted that with the membership of the European Union, both in Romania and in Bulgaria the extensive
transition processes have come to an end.


